The Professional Writing and Communication track is designed for English majors who want to write for a living, whether in technical or professional fields. The track allows you to build your own career path through coursework and professional writing internships. Courses help prepare you to adapt your English major skills to professional settings. Professional writing jobs include content writer, technical writer, proposal writer, copywriter, copyeditor, project manager, and more.
Start with the two foundational courses. These can be taken simultaneously or sequentially.

- English 322: Rhetorical Foundations. Learn how rhetoric--the art of influence--can help you effectively communicate, influence, and persuade.
- English 323: Professional Writing. Learn professional writing genres. Apply rhetoric and design thinking in teams to design and complete a professional writing project for a real client.
Choose two electives that match your interests or goals. These can be taken simultaneously or sequentially.

- English 325: Visual Communication. Learn how visual media influence and persuade. Analyze and create visual media such as websites, infographics, videos, posters, and other multimedia.
- English 326: Digital Communication. Learn how to navigate digital landscapes professionally and personally. Analyze and communicate with digital communication tools such as blogs, podcasts, and other social media.
- English 327: Studies in Rhetoric. Explore a specific area in rhetorical studies (e.g., leadership) determined by the faculty instructor. Check the course description for the semester you take this course.
- English 335: Professional Speaking. Learn about classical oratory to prepare and deliver effective oral presentations with well-designed visuals.
- English 394R: Applied English. Build on your knowledge and skills by signing up for a professional writing internship with clients on or off campus.
Finish with a senior capstone course. Take this after completing foundations and electives.

- English 494: Professional Writing and Rhetoric Capstone. Explore a specific area in rhetorical studies and produce a multimedia project or professional writing portfolio relevant to your career interests or goals.
Questions? Contact the track advisor, Dr. Jon Balzotti.